LBNL FLEXLAB – Impressive Facility Puts New Spin on Building Testing

]2015-01-30 14.53.35

2015-01-30 14.53.09   2015-01-30 14.53.03

I was recently fortunate to visit Lawrence Berkeley National Lab’s FLEXLAB, a new facility that enables comprehensive, high quality, controlled testing of building systems, materials and configurations.   Its impressive capabilities are detailed more here.

Executive manager Cindy Regnier gave me the comprehensive walk through – and I was struck at how the facility could be used for a wide array of uses, including the high-tech systems Software Diligence Services clients are building.   But, most amazing was the building on a rotating base that can be programmed to orient the building as necessary towards or away from the sun, enabling highly controlled and efficient testing protocols.

That, and the great view from the hills at UC Berkeley.   Must find a way to test down there next winter!

