Cyber Security
Researchers Say NSA Infected Computer Hard Drives in 30 Countries
In a detailed report released today by Kaspersky, the cyber security research firm in Moscow, it appears that NSA was able to add in very low level spyware into hard drive “driver” level code. Very clever indeed. HuffPost article here with more details, and a detailed report of how the system works published here. Will…
Read MoreMade in Oregon: The Most Secure UAV Software in the World -> 60 Minutes (Video)
Galois, Inc. of Portland, Oregon, leader in research and development of computer software for systems that must not fail. Featured on CBS 60 minutes last night, showing work dubbed as “likely the most secure UAV software in the world.” Did you know we have a sizable team of some of the most advanced cyber security,…
Read MoreEncrypting strings in Android: Let’s make better mistakes ‹ Tozny
Encrypting strings in Android: Let’s make better mistakes ‹ Tozny. I love this post from Tozny – as a helpful reminder that copy/paste from the web is fine for a lot of software development, but for crypto, that’s not very safe indeed. Beware!
Read MoreBe There? Thought Leaders at 2014 International Transactive Energy Conference
The second annual Transactive Energy Conference runs December 10th and 11th, in Portland Oregon. Thought leaders designing the next generation grid, discuss policy, cyber security, and the transition from Demand Response to a fully transactive grid. Industry leading speakers, over 40 submitted papers, and 200+ attendees expected to gather. Don’t miss it! Hope to…
Read MoreWhat year is this? Utility Control System Was Hacked Through ‘Brute Force’ Attack
The technology, products, policies and educational infrastructure exist to avoid this kind of attack. Yet parts of the industry seem to ignore basic housekeeping measures. Seems like an opportunity here. Homeland Security: Utility Control System Was Hacked Through ‘Brute Force’ Attack : Greentech Media.
Read MoreSmart Grid: State regulators to enforce cybersecurity? That’s a great idea. Not.
Jesse Berst is providing ongoing coverage and commentary about the state of cybersecurity technologies and policy for smart grid and utilities. The problem is complex, but high value – and a large drag on the adoption of networking technologies the smart grid. With federal, state, and PUCs getting in the action, its a market…
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