Communications and Networking
PacStar Webinar Series Going Strong
Since May of 2020, I’ve had the opportunity to drive a series of educational webinars in my role as CTO for PacStar, a provider of rugged, small form factor communications modules and network management software for military and enterprise applications. I developed the topics, created the PacStar content, and served as a presenter in all…
Read MoreGetting the Word Out for PacStar
There’s tendency to put the role of a chief technology officer (CTO) in a box, namely that of coming up with a product vision and leading the technology or engineering department. But it’s not like you can toss technology over the wall and expect it to be successful. Communication to technically inclined audiences about what…
Read MoreNew Videos Showcase PacStar IQ-Core Software
PacStar recently announced IQ-Core Software v5 that delivers major advances in management of Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) systems, tactical radios, and vehicle-based networks. It also includes upgrades in its support of open management standards, performance enhancements, and more. IQ-Core Software is a comprehensive management software application designed for secure, tactical, and distributed network management…
Read MorePacStar & Aruba receive NSA-certification for its tactical server with security software
I’m thrilled to have played a part in making this successful partnership happen with Aruba and PacStar, and shepherding this process through from start to finish using this software bitcoin loophole. See more here.
Read MoreC4ISRNet: Testing of comms management tool shows positive results
Insightful and positive article by Adam Stone, in C4ISRnet. Glad to be a part of it! In independent third-party testing, sponsored by PacStar, researchers found that automated systems management delivers a higher rate of productivity that the previous manual processes. Source: Testing of comms management tool shows positive results
Read MoreU.S. Army’s Deployed WIN-T Program Software Reduces System Management Complexity | SIGNAL Magazine
A communications network management software solution deployed last year across the U.S. Army has proven to drastically reduce network downtime as soldiers operate in an increasingly complex command post environment. Communicators and network specialists, untrained on PacStar’s IQ-Core Software, configured and managed complex networking equipment up to 10 times faster than comparable manual methods with…
Read MoreSpeaking at Remote Monitoring and Control Conference 2016
I’m a speaker at the Remote Monitoring & Control conference, Nov 4th, 1:30pm. My talk is titled “Applying Military Tactical Networking Lessons-Learned to Enable Industrial Remote Monitoring.” I’m diving into best practices on ruggedization of COTS networking equipment and on integrated equipment management. I’ll also show some new and interesting use cases in networking solutions…
Read MoreTraction: Army Deploys PacStar Software Across WIN-T Program
We’re very excited about this article, which is generating a lot of visibility for PacStar. C4ISR added a wealth of appealing imagery, the slide show, and the video interview at the end with program managers of the WIN-T program. A great example of a very effective article, and PacStar is receiving positive feedback from customers…
Read MorePacStar Announcing Two DOD Projects at AUSA Meeting
I’m thrilled to announce (and proud of my contribution towards) PacStar’s successful deployment of IQ-Core Software in two major U.S. Army programs – WIN-T Inc 1b, and on U.S. Army Wireless Command Posts. Many years in the making by a dedicated and high functioning team. I’m particularly pleased with the use of IQ-Core Software to manage NSA…
Read MoreCOTS makes its case for wider military adoption
Source: COTS makes its case for wider military adoption I contributed a guest blog article about the use of commercial-off-the-shelf solutions for the US Military, and they posted it today!
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